Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

Rachel Maddow reported on her show last night that Rick Warren's church has removed the statement on its website that indicates that unrepentant homosexuals cannot join as members. I cannot verify this, as I had never visited the website prior to the apparent removal of the statement. Rachel Maddow...
The hoo-hah over President Elect Obama's choice of Rick Warren continues unabated, with most of the critics focusing mainly on Warren 's attitude to homosexuality and gay marriage. Only Christopher Hitchens seems more disturbed by his eschatology (individual and general) and lack of culture and...
The hoo-hah over President Elect Obama's choice of Rick Warren continues unabated, with most of the critics focusing mainly on Warren 's attitude to homosexuality and gay marriage. Only Christopher Hitchens seems more disturbed by his eschatology (individual and general) and lack of culture and...
I'm sure he'd be too modest to promote his own stuff, so here's a link to Iain D. Campbell's review of John MacLeod's excellent book on the religious history of the Isle of Lewis, from whence the present Mrs. T originates:
I'm sure he'd be too modest to promote his own stuff, so here's a link to Iain D. Campbell's review of John MacLeod's excellent book on the religious history of the Isle of Lewis, from whence the present Mrs. T originates:
This week's Newsweek leads with an article by Lisa Miller on the Bible and gay marriage. I will not summarise the full argument here: the article is well-written, engaging, makes some good points that provoke critical reflection, and is only three pages long; and Newsweek is so easily accessible,...
This week's Newsweek leads with an article by Lisa Miller on the Bible and gay marriage. I will not summarise the full argument here: the article is well-written, engaging, makes some good points that provoke critical reflection, and is only three pages long; and Newsweek is so easily accessible,...
The text of a recent address by Al Mohler on preaching is available on his blog. A must-read for any preacher who feels tired and discouraged. Here.
The text of a recent address by Al Mohler on preaching is available on his blog. A must-read for any preacher who feels tired and discouraged. Here.
Our friends over at Theology Network have a podcast of Pinky and Perky talking about the cross. OK, it's not Pinky and Perky, those signing porcine legends from the 60s, but Mike Ovey and Andrew Sach; but when I tried to connect they sure sounded like them. I am reliably informed that its my...