Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

Two recommendations:
Two recommendations:
There's nothing like my annual alumnus magazine to make me feel a failure. This year, I read that one of my contemporaries was Rachel Weisz's boyfriend (!!!); and that two other alumni are responsible for those pillars of cutting-edge literary culture, `C**p Towns' and `C**p Towns II' (!!!!),...
There's nothing like my annual alumnus magazine to make me feel a failure. This year, I read that one of my contemporaries was Rachel Weisz's boyfriend (!!!); and that two other alumni are responsible for those pillars of cutting-edge literary culture, `C**p Towns' and `C**p Towns II' (!!!!),...
I notice that the bookstore at WTS ( ) is puffing a new book by the late WIlliam Still, flagging it up with a godly puff from Sinclair Ferguson. Well, Willie made an impact on me too.
I notice that the bookstore at WTS ( ) is puffing a new book by the late WIlliam Still, flagging it up with a godly puff from Sinclair Ferguson. Well, Willie made an impact on me too.
The latest edition of Harper's Magazine has an article by Jeff Sharlet on how the Christian right is reimagining US history. R J Rushdoony gets quite a few column inches but Sharlet misses the worst aspect of this man's history: Holocaust Denial.
The latest edition of Harper's Magazine has an article by Jeff Sharlet on how the Christian right is reimagining US history. R J Rushdoony gets quite a few column inches but Sharlet misses the worst aspect of this man's history: Holocaust Denial.
My comments on the late RJR have stimulated some feedback.
My comments on the late RJR have stimulated some feedback.