Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

Bob Tarullo has brought to my attention this article which addresses the ambiguity of the reception of Newman in Catholic thought, especially the bizarre claim that he was a liberal. What will they be claiming next? The Meatloaf inspired disco? Or that former editors of the Crisis magazine and...
The confusing signals on syncretism coming from World Magazine are, indeed, confusing. While Andree Seu's column (which I linked yesterday) clearly points to Beck as a confused but genuine Christian, Marvin Olasky correctly points out that Beck's theology, or lack thereof, is a huge problem...
The confusing signals on syncretism coming from World Magazine are, indeed, confusing. While Andree Seu's column (which I linked yesterday) clearly points to Beck as a confused but genuine Christian, Marvin Olasky correctly points out that Beck's theology, or lack thereof, is a huge problem...
World Magazine offers an interesting take on Mormonism, Glen Beck, and Christianity here . So what is ultimately the one thing needful? Rom. 10: 9-10, or commitment to conservative politics?
World Magazine offers an interesting take on Mormonism, Glen Beck, and Christianity here . So what is ultimately the one thing needful? Rom. 10: 9-10, or commitment to conservative politics?
Here is a striking quotation from G K Chesterton, writing in the context of a discussion of Aquinas's criticism of the slippery medieval theologian/philosopher, Siger of Brabant: "It is a fact that falsehood is never so false as when it is very nearly true. It is when the stab comes near the nerve...
Here is a striking quotation from G K Chesterton, writing in the context of a discussion of Aquinas's criticism of the slippery medieval theologian/philosopher, Siger of Brabant: "It is a fact that falsehood is never so false as when it is very nearly true. It is when the stab comes near the nerve...
Most of us have guilty pleasures which we enjoy, which are not in themselves particularly immoral, but of which might still be ashamed in certain contexts. My musical GP for example, is Meatloaf . That will be incomprehensible to anyone older than 45 or younger than 41. This is because I suspect it...
Most of us have guilty pleasures which we enjoy, which are not in themselves particularly immoral, but of which might still be ashamed in certain contexts. My musical GP for example, is Meatloaf . That will be incomprehensible to anyone older than 45 or younger than 41. This is because I suspect it...
As WTS kicked off the 2010-11 year this week, there were two notable events. First, the Seminary Student President compiled music for the welcome barbecue not from the traditional 1980s gospelevator music list but on the basis of classic rock references in the MDiv Reformation lectures. Out goes `...