

The Mandate of Thanksgiving The Apostle Paul exhorts the church: “giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20). Ripped out of its theological context, such an appeal would clang like a hammer upon a steely heart. But Paul’s...
How Can I Know for Sure? [1] remains our ongoing focus in this series of articles. Both confidence and contentment have eluded many of us. Feet firmly planted in mid-air, we drift from one thought to another and one opinion to another, persuaded by the rhetoric of the speaker’s voice that has most...
In the previous articles on the Insider Movements (IM), we have surfaced four IM commitments which counter the teaching of Scripture. 1. IM calls believers to stay in. God’s Word calls believers to come out. [1] 2. IM makes the old trump the new . God’s Word makes the new trump the old. [2] 3. IM...
This article is the second part of an on-going series. The first part is called " Salvation is by Works Alone ," the third is titled " God's Work in Jesus ," the fourth is " Sympathy Made Perfect ," and the fifth is " Only Jesus' Grace Works ." Grace is no arbitrary decision or arbitrary act. Grace...
You may think this quasi strange, but I have an affinity for certain Latin words. The fact is, you actually know and use many of them too. Have you ever felt like a persona non grata ? Do you cheer for your alma mater or depend on a per diem for business travels? How great is it when lawyers agree...