You cannot be yourself by yourself and preaching Romans

Paul Levy
I'm preaching through Romans and cannot speak highly enough of Christopher Ash's 'Teaching Romans' and James Philip's  'The Power of God'. I wouldn't say they are all you need, buf if all you've got is them you won't go far wrong.
Commenting on Romans 12:4 'For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function,'. James Philip writes 'We all have our part to play, and only a part; the most richly endowed member is still only one member, not the whole body. Not even he can ''go it alone.'' It is only in fellowship with others that true destiny is achieved. We cannot be ''ourselves'' by ourselves.''
Sadly 'The Power of God' is out of print - Sinclair Ferguson writes of James Philip in the foreword ' Perhaps no other living preacher or pastor in the English - speaking world (in all probability the entire world!) has so frequently exposed his congregation to the faithful, patient and vibrant exposition of Paul's greatest letter'
Dick Lucas writes of James Philip's exposiitons on Romans 'You will scarcely find clearer or better material on Romans than by James Philip'
You can listen to James Philip's sermon series on Romans via Proclamation Trust's website here
Also James Philip's excellent bible reading notes are avaiable here