What really happened?

Rodney Trotter
Seeing Levy's expose of Trueman's alleged greed led me to call my old friend to hear his side of the story.  His claim is that, upon arrival at Paddington, Levy took him not to the greasy spoon breakfast place he usually frequents in the Smoke but to a rather trendy wine bar.  There, the barman, one `Gino' (who appears to be on first-name terms with the Rev. L) served up the most expensive breakfasts Trueman had ever seen: T, of course, had the full English - 8000 calories, most of them from fat, with plenty of innocent animals needlessly harmed to make it all possible. Does it come any better than that?  Levy, though, went for what Gino -- in an interesting turn of phrase -- called `the usual, Paul?'  This was something listed on the menu (non-plastic) as the `Urban Pastor Special' -- a three free-range egg white omelette, a vegetarian Fair Trade sausage, organic baked beans, all washed down with a glass of reduced calorie Perrier water and a glass of sugar-free acai berry juice.  Then, claiming he had `like, oh my goodness, y'know, really really forgotten my Coach man-bag', he left T to pay for the lot -- including the take-out bottle of alcohol-free zinfandel Paul claimed he `just totally, like, y'know, really, really needed' for the `Ealing Eco-Gospel Arts Encounter Group' he was facilitating that very night at his home  (a bijou open-plan pad in the `London with an edge' parish in which he ministers).

First-name terms with a barman called Gino, elite breakfasts at wine bars, Coach man-bags, and bijou property in the slightly edgy West End?  London should have no fear: no American church could match his package from the London IPC.