The Union between Christ and his Church

Paul Levy
This time Robert Roberts 1762 - 1802) - so good they named him twice
'No union is everlasting in duration but the union between Christ and His Church.

The union between soul and body is close; but death can dissever it in a moment; and they shall not be joined again until the day of resurrection.

The union between husband and wife is so close that is said of them they are one flesh; but it is to continue only 'till death us do part.'

We shall be joined to our own mother in the grave before long, and we shall lie in earth's bosom for centuries; but this will not continue longer than the morning of the resurrection.

But the union between Christ and His people is inseparable, whatever life, death, resurrection, or anything else may do. In virtue of this they shall rise out of the grave in the resurrection to live for ever with Christ.'' (p120,121)