The King of Pop Is Dead, Long Live The Apostle

Stephen Nichols

I always knew it, Carl harbors deep conspiratorial suspicions regarding the media.  So fundamentalist.  It took the death of Jackson to bring them to the surface. 

Alas, my reflections on the death of Jackson took a different turn.  I was shocked that it pushed to page 18 of the paper the death of Farrah Fawcett.  Outrage, I tell you.  She delivered one of the best performances ever in The Apostle.  How about Robert Duvall?  June Carter Cash for a mother and Farrah Fawcett for a wife! 

Want to mourn in a way that avoids "the schmaltz of the faux-bereavement of his fans throough the sanitizing and distancing medium of television and video"?  Then don't hang out at Neverland, watch The Apostle this weekend, instead.