The Alliance's Unwavering Opposition to ECT

March 3, 2015
In light of the Timothy George article commending ECT that was posted on this website today, it seems necessary to assure our readers that this ministry has not changed its historic stance in opposition to the Evangelicals and Catholics Together movement and its published documents. I am one of those who was privileged to be involved during the late 90's and was present for a number of occasions when stalwarts like James Boice and R. C. Sproul refused to compromise on key biblical doctrines like justification through faith alone and sola scriptura. It has become evident from the reaction of many readers that the pro-ECT article posted here by Mr. George has given the impression that our ministry has wavered in this stance. I can assure our readers that this is not true. As we look back on the events of twenty years ago, we lament the doctrinal compromises that led us to oppose the ECT then just as we continue to oppose it today. The purpose of the article was to offer historical perspective, but it has had the regrettable effect of causing some of our valued readers to question our commitments. I would therefore like to assure our friends of our continued opposition to ECT and our firm commitment to the distinctive doctrines of the Protestant Reformation.