Something for the weekend

Paul Levy
Jose Da Sagovia has written a helpful and thought provoking piece on the American Dream and how it relates to Arthur Miller, this isn't for the faint hearted!!

There's been a few posts about Phillip Jensen and I wouldn't want readers to think that they should write off the Jensen's. Phillip's brother Peter the former Archbishop of Sydney has given 3 talks on 'Why I am a Protestant Christian', 'Why I am a reformed Christian?', 'Why I am an evangelical Christian'.  It would seem he's pretty positive about being a Calvinist. Well worth a listen

Bill James has written an excellent introduction to Cessationism. (Note a positive reference to FIEC on the REf21 blog I hope the powers that be are noticing)

I should have linked to this ages ago but the great Donald Macleod has written a fantastic piece on 'Is Allah God?'