Top Ten Denominations of 2015

After our post on the Top Ten Seminaries in 2015, we bring you the top 10 denominations of 2015.
Separate Category:
PCA Progressives: "Denominations" are so 1990s. They transcend denominational boundaries.
Southern Baptist Convention: Two Words: Steven Furtick.
ACTS29: Two words: Meyers Briggs. As Drake says, "Fo real?" However, going several months without a major controversy did impress judges.
Honorable Mentions:
Top Ten Denominations
10. TGC: I know, I know, they aren't a denomination. But ...
9. Ligonier: [comment removed by Ligonier somehow]. Come on guys, "Quit playing games with my heart, I mean, computer".
8. URC: Dropping to 8th this year, this denomination is divided by two kingdoms.
7. PCUSA: Okay, who hacked my list?
7. Church of Scotland: Not funny, guys.
7. RPCNA: With an increase in total membership from 165 to 167, we couldn't help but give them seventh for their evangelistic efforts.
6. OPC: They have a study committee on "Republication". Lol. The other denominations don't even know what that term means. Kudos to the OPC for daring to go where no denomination has gone before.
5. PCA - Moderates: Always claiming to be in the middle; this year they got their wish because these guys are typically used to getting their way.
4. PCARPNAZPRPA: Credit is due to this new denomination for taking the only acronym left among Presbyterian denominations. Our friends at google had to pull some strings to make this happen.
3. ARP: Any denomination that makes Tim Keller jealous - think: women deacons - deserves a top three finish.
2. PCA - TR's: They scared the judges with threats of heresy trials and ended up second.
1. Redeemer Network: "IN THE PAST 13 YEARS WE'VE HELPED START 337 CHURCHES IN 45 CITIES." How can we not be awed and impressed by such figures? (yelling-caps theirs).