Sanctification: The Long Journey Home

May 1, 2015
Thoughtful Christians like you are standing up and demanding Biblical doctrine in its most clear fashion, straight-forward tone, with no compromise to the world. If you've ever been to the Texas Hill Country Bible Conference, you have received it in all its God glorifying ways!
Thank you so much for your well done service to the Truth. We were all the beneficiaries. - MM
It's Alliance members like Carla N. and Kay J. (if you've been there, you know them!) that joined the Alliance and called us to the Texas Hill Country to share key doctrines and the full attributes of God with the Church. They saw what the Alliance was doing and wanted to bring it to their region.
I so appreciate all your work in following what I'm sure was the Lord's direction in birthing this conference. I pray it does continue in the years to come. - Carol
We appreciate the wonderful team who's labored for the Lord in this effort since 2012: Trinity Presbyterian Church pastored by Allen Taha; the steering committee including Jane R., Lil R., Cindy M., Brad M., Leo M., Steve C., Carolyn S., Molly L., Gail S., Karen S., Bonnie and Carl F. and Cheryl V; musicians TJ Bazoon, Stephen Carroll and Seth Nelson; and our new venue, St. John Lutheran Church. We appreciate this wonderful partnership!
The conference was awesome! I learned so much, had so many questions answered, and was challenged to think more deeply about my theology. - Susie
The Christian life is made up of various twists and turns, ups and downs, struggles and battles. The Bible calls this process "Sanctification." It is the shape of holiness both positively and negatively, highs and lows, encouragements and threats. Through several sessions, speakers Derek Thomas and Greg Gilbert highlighted various aspects of sanctification, reflecting how it ought to be and how it often is. We examined questions such as: What function does the law have in sanctification? Is holiness by faith alone? Can Christians fall into a pattern of repetitive sin? Can we ever be sure that we will make it to the end? Is there any hope for the burdened soul that it might get easier? These questions and many more, were answered at the 2015 Texas Hill Country Bible Conference.
More teaching this month includes:
The Bible Study Hour with Dr. James Boice offers basic Bible truths in an exciting study on the Gospel of Matthew. Don't miss this excellent teaching that thinks on what Jesus accomplished.
Theology on the Go podcast hosts Jonathan Gibson on "Limited Atonement."
Mortification of Spin discusses where our rights come from: God or Government? As Christians, how are we using (or should we say misusing) our American liberties?
Philip Ryken on Every Last Word studies the Gospel of Luke and asks "Is having faith enough to be saved?"
"Go into the world and sow the seeds of the Gospel" - Dr. Barnhouse & the Bible expounds upon the Gospel of Luke, chapters 15-24.
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