Printer Friendly and Phil Ryken

July 22, 2006
You may have noticed that "Print this page" tags have appeared on our site indicating just what it says: the ability to print the page without losing half the material scrolled off the page to the right, or whatever! Note that some of these tags appear at the bottom of the page and it may require you to scroll to the end of the article to see it. Perseverance brings its rewards.
Also: some have been asking, "Where is Phil Ryken?" The answer is, "I don't know exactly, but he has taken a three month sabbatical from almost everything, including this blog." We expect him back at the end of August.
Also: some have been asking, "Where is Phil Ryken?" The answer is, "I don't know exactly, but he has taken a three month sabbatical from almost everything, including this blog." We expect him back at the end of August.