Praying Through the Scriptures: Joshua 24; Acts 4

February 9, 2017
Over the years it has been my practice, learned from others, to offer up praises and petitions framed by a passage of Scripture. Some of these passages were read in preparation for preaching, others offered material for meditation in daily devotion; still others were plundered specifically for the purpose of finding fresh material for prayer. As I continue to learn how to pray I have shared a few prayers with my family and friends for their use or adaptation. Here is the fifth prayer--based on Joshua 24--in a series on Praying Through the Scriptures:"Father in heaven, long ago you wrested Abraham from the grip of idolatry, delivered your people at the Red Sea, and preserved them in the wilderness. You reversed the curses of Balaak and issued blessings through Balaam. You gave your people a home they did not build, and food they did not earn. Surely, there is no one like you; surely there is no one who saves as you save.
And now in these latter days you have done even more. You have taken us from our idolatry, delivered your people at Calvary, and continue to preserve us in the wilderness of this world. When our accuser would curse us, you bless us. It is because of you alone that we are now destined for a home that is not our making, and that we will be welcomed at a feast that you yourself will spread. Surely, there is salvation in no else but Jesus; surely there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved and eternally blessed.
And so as we count our blessings, help us Lord to serve you in sincerity and in faithfulness. Help us to be able to say, "as for me, and my house, we will serve the Lord." Help us never to deal falsely with you who are so true to us. Help us to do what is right in your sight.
And as we recall our salvation and your sustaining hand, give us the grace to share what we have seen and heard and experienced. Grant us the grace to speak with all boldness. Please fill us with your Holy Spirit to that end. In Jesus name we give you this praise and ask you these favours. AMEN."