John Knox at Prayer

Liam Goligher

What John Knox did for Scotland is incalculable. By his fortitude, his integrity, and his passion for the gospel he forged a nation that loved the Bible, loved liberty, and influenced the world. For centuries after it was with pride that Scotsmen the world over spoke of their native country as 'the land of Knox.' His spiritual successors can be found well beyond the shores of that island kingdom in the masses of Scots and Scots-Irish who pushed further west to find freedom in the new world.

His Scots Confession and his liturgy show us something of the Reformed and Evangelical convictions that mastered him. But if these show us what he believed it is his prayers that show us what he felt. And as we head up to the weekend, and for many of us the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, here is one of Knox's prayer at the communion table to stir the soul:

'We present ourselves at this His table (which He has left to be used in remembrance of His death until His coming again), to declare and witness before the world that by HIm alone we have received liberty and life; that by Him alone dost Thou acknowledge us Thy children and heirs; that by Him alone we have entrance unto the throne of Thy grace; that by Him alone we are possessed in our spiritual kingdom to eat and drink at His table; with Whom we have our conversation presently in heaven, and by Whom our bodies shall be raised up again from the dust, and shall be placed with Him in that endless joy, which Thou, O Father of mercy, hast prepared for Thine elect, before the foundation of the world was laid. And these most inestimable blessings we acknowledge and confess to have received of Thy free mercy and grace, by Thy only beloved Son, Jesus Christ, for the which, therefore we, Thy congregation, moved by the Holy Spirit, render Thee all thanks, glory, and praise for ever and ever.'

Amen and Amen