Help Equip Believers to Stand Against the Tide...

May 6, 2015
Alliance members like you advance God's Word across the world through the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals publishing.
Decades ago the Cambridge Declaration pointed to the decline of the evangelical church. That decline continues today and, many would argue, has only gotten worse. Secularism and pragmatism flood into churches and many less informed churchgoers hardly notice.
But you have not lost hope. Your support publishes resources that equip believers to stand firm against this rising tide of secularism. explores the depths of what we believe. encourages biblical thinking, living, worship, and ministry through constructive cultural and church life engagement.
The ease and accessibility of the Internet make the potential impact enormous. No longer limited by the bounds of the clock or geography, your partnership is proclaiming the great Reformed truths all the time, everywhere!
Won't you be part of the hundredfold who see the need for equipping the saints with solid, biblical resources?
Even if you are not tech-savvy or a frequenter of blogs, your help is needed greatly. Faithful members underwrite this work - not just for themselves, but for others who have never heard such clear doctrine.
Only our members support will limit what we can do together - reaching as many people as possible with sound, biblical doctrine. Alerting those who don't yet see the secularism and pragmatism flooding into their churches.
Your support will continue the spread of the good news and sound, biblical doctrine.
Please prayerfully donate.
Bob Brady
Executive Director