Gifts for Grads: Make College Count

Stephen Nichols

Yes, you're thinking about Valentine's Day.  But, before you know it, the snow will melt, the temperatures will climb above freezing, spring will be here, and pomp and circumstance will fill the air.  What will you get for grads?  I have just the book to recommend.

I just came back from speaking at the youth retreat for our Presbytery, where the main speaker was my friend Derek Melleby.  Derek heads up the College Transition Initiative, connected with Walt Mueller's Center for Parent/Youth Understanding.  And Derek's latest book has just come out, this week in fact.  It's Make College Count:  A Faithful Guide to Life and Learning (Baker Books).

Derek's a thoughtful guy and a good writer and this might actually be a graduation gift book that the graduate-recipient will actually read and actually benefit from.  Here's a challenging line from the book:

"The experts tell us that the years between eighteen and twenty-five are considered the critical years--that is, the most shaping and influential.  Every major decision that molds you for the rest of your life is typically made during this time," (18).

That's challenging for me, since I spend most of my time with this age group.  Thanks, Derek, for your help.