
Stephen Nichols

It depends on your context.  If you're thinking great TV series of the 70s, you're thinking Who [indeed] shot J.R.?  If you're thinking football, you're thinking of that team that somehow got the upper hand on the [beloved] Eagles (twice!) before getting divine retribution at the hands of a team from Minnesota.

If, however, you're thinking seminaries, you think of Dallas Theological Seminary.  Speaking of which, I just received a copy of John Hannah's history of the said institution:  An Uncommon Union:  Dallas Theological Seminary and American Evangelicalism (Zondervan).  It is a wonderful read written by a very clever and thoughtful and engaging historian. 

You will likely appreciate--and learn much--from Hannah's treatment of the early decades and Lewis Sperry Chafer's Presbyterian roots.  Chafer in fact attempted to woo Machen to Dallas as he heard of Machen's turmoil at Princeton and subsequent plans to found a new seminary.  You'll also read of the "growing tensions" with that Presbyterian identity as the decades rolled on.

And of course you'll read all about the Swindoll years.

Hannah has given us a most readable account of a significant 20th century institution that keeps on plugging away.