Convicting & Challenging Words from Brooks

Oh that the Christian reader would seriously consider these twelve things:

There is nothing that the great God hates--but sin.

There is nothing that He has revealed His wrath from heaven against--but sin.
There is nothing that crucifies the Lord of glory afresh--but sin.
There is nothing that grieves the Spirit of grace--but sin.

There is nothing that wounds the conscience--but sin.

There is nothing that clouds the face of God--but sin.

There is nothing that hinders the return of prayer--but sin.

There is nothing that interrupts our communion with God--but sin.

There is nothing that embitters our mercies--but sin.

There is nothing that puts a sting into all our troubles and trials--but sin.

There is nothing that renders us unserviceable in our places, stations, and conditions--but sin.
There is nothing that makes death the king of terrors, and the terror of kings, to be so formidable and terrible to the sons of men, as sin. And therefore under all your sorrows and sufferings, crosses and losses--make it your great business . . .
to arm yourselves against sin,
and to pray against sin,
and to watch against sin,
and to turn from sin,
and to cease from sin,
and to get rid of sin,
and to stand forever in defiance of sin!