Another FV Convert to Rome

Rick Phillips
For some years, those of us alarmed about the federal vision theology have identified it as an obvious pathway to Roman Catholicism.  For this view, we are accused of witch-hunting and absurd slippery-slopism.  Yet FV advocates keep converting to Rome, the most recent of which is Fr Jeff Steel, formerly a PCA pastor in the Auburn Avenue orbit and more recently an Anglican priest serving under N.T. Wright in the Durham diocese (ht: Wes White).  Here is Fr. Steel's webpage announcement, replete with references to faith in Mary, prayers to Peter and John Paul II, and full-blown Roman Catholic sacramentalism.  He refers to this conversion as "the biggest jump" of his life, but to critics of the federal vision it does not seem like much of a jump at all.  I of course wish good upon Fr. Steel personally and can appreciate the inward tension involved with crossing sides in the Reformation.  But it still seems to have been theologically inevitable once the federal vision view of salvation is embraced.