A public statement on Carl
September 2, 2015
I've known Carl for many years; I've seen his hairline recede and his waistband extend. We've worked together In his previous life as Minister, Seminary Professor and Writer. Of course those days are now gone and he's become the Christian Howard Stern. And now that he has his own show I don't hear from the old fella quite as much. However, in my position as President of 'Paul Levy Ministries' and adviser to the good and the great - and more particularly - in light of last week, I feel it is only right to intervene. I pronounce Carl Trueman a complementarian but one who gets Aimee to do his heavy lifting.
You might well ask who am I to declare this but you've got to trust me -I know him, I've met his wife and been involved in countless situations like this. Plus, I've got my own ministry...