A must read from Trueman on ECT

Paul Levy
The ECT articles that were originally planned for Ref21 have been published on First Things. I would encourage you to read them all but particularly Carl's last article in the series. Let me quote from Trueman speaking of what has happened in the last 10 years with regards to the Young Restless and Reformed movement....

'This stadium platform ecumenism is personality heavy and doctrine light. It has placed some very theologically inept people in positions of significant public influence based solely on their ability to pull a crowd. Not all of its senior leaders ultimately seemed particularly clear even on the nature and importance of the doctrine of the Trinity. It has offered incoherent and even contradictory messages on sanctification. It has created a whole slew of doctrines upon which we apparently must agree to differ and thus consider practically indifferent: supernatural gifts, baptism, the Lord's Supper, polity. And by putting swagger on stage, it has promoted very problematic models of leadership. In such a context, evangelical anger over ECT might appear to be rather selective in its outrage, given what some of its outspoken critics are prepared to tolerate or ignore elsewhere. After all, can one really claim to agree on the Gospel of God without first agreeing on the God of the Gospel?'

Also worth reading is Leonardo De Chirico reflecting on ECT.  You should also remember that Leonardo wrote a very helpful 7 part series for Ref 21 on Roman Catholicism that ended up being 22 parts! If you missed it you can start the marathon here.