21st Century Challenges Not Allowing Ourselves to be Defined by Sexuality

January 22, 2015
By Mark Johnston from Place for Truth
It may seem more than a little strange to include this issue as one of the major challenges facing the church in the 21st Century, but the sad reality is that it is. The glaring evidence for this can be seen in the way the church in many parts of the world has allowed itself to be backed into a corner over this aspect of its teaching. In doing so has allowed not only its own credibility to be called into question, but that of the gospel as well.
This situation has not arisen suddenly. For four decades and longer the Bible and the role of women - especially when it comes to holding office in the church - has been hotly debated among those within the church as much as with those on the outside. In many denominations this has led to a deliberate shift away from the belief that the offices of elder (both those who teach and those who lead) and of deacon are intended only for males in the church.