Forget Pickpockets and Broken Legs, Just Don't Hurt My Feelings!

Our favorite spin slayers believe that Christians and non-Christians alike should care about religious liberty. So, Carl and Todd choose to revisit a prominent First Amendment case and note other offenses that are popping up all around.
How should Christians view religious liberty and what should be our response when faced with religious opposition and hostility? How big of a deal is it, really, to bake a cake or arrange flowers for a gay wedding? Carl explains how the concepts of personhood and identity are determining factors in the way liberty is defined in today’s society—even in the opinion of some Christians.
Show Notes
·Becket - Religious Liberty for All
·The Institute for Faith and Freedom - GCC
·Ethics and Public Policy Center
We are pleased to offer our listeners the opportunity to win a free copy of Liberty for All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Pluralistic Age by Andrew T. Walker. Register! The copies are a generous gift from our friends at Brazos Press.