Concerns about the "Efficacy" of Works

I continue to hope that the recent debate/controversy over
sanctification will lend clarity and light to readers. For this to happen, we will have to labor hard
for biblical depth and balance. In my
opinion, those who are opposing the biblical doctrine of sanctification
are motivated mainly by a wounded terror regarding legalism. As I have recently written, legalism is a constant
and deadly error. Yet we must not oppose
one error by advancing another error, which I believe is happening in some quarters. With this in mind, those of us wanting to avoid antinomianism must not only avoid genuine neonomianism but must be seen to
do so. We must argue for sanctification
and good works in a way that safeguards the legitimate concerns of those who
struggle against legalism. In this cause,
having criticized Tullian Tchividjian's teaching in downplaying good works and
obedience, let me now express concerns about the way that good works are described
as efficacious by Mark Jones in his article Good Works Necessary for Salvation?