Reading Reflection:

April 22, 2011

Oh, you heavens! How could you behold such a spectacle as this was? How was the earth able to bear it? Truly, neither heaven nor earth was able, for the Scripture says that the sun withdrew its light and was darkened so many hours. It was from twelve to three that the sun withdrew its light and did not shine, but there was dismal darkness in the world for it was unable to behold such a spectacle as this was. And the earth shook and trembled, and the graves opened and the rocks split in two, the very stones themselves were affected with such a work as this, and the vale of the Temple rent asunder. These things were done upon Christ’s bearing of the wrath of His Father for sin. Here you have the first fruits of God’s displeasure for sin, and in this you may see, surely, that sin must be a vile thing since it causes God the Father to deal thus with His Son when He had man’s sin upon Him. (102)Surely we think of sin as too small a thing. As we reflect on Good Friday and the Easter season, it is clear that there is no such thing as a small sin. We try to compare ourselves to others who seem like worse offenders. In all this we try to make our own sins look light. In reality, I couldn’t approach my Holy God with even one of my “smallest” sins. The creation couldn’t even bear the sight of Christ carrying our sin, propitiating the Father’s wrath. The perfect Jesus Christ had my sin—every bit of it—imputed to Him and faced His Father’s judgment. In exchange, His righteousness was imputed on me. What magnificent love! How can I be so cavalier with my sin? Could anything ever come close to showing us the evil of sin as God pouring His wrath for it on His Son? Who else could be worthy of our praise and worship?