Reading Reflection:

April 10, 2011

Whether we are beholding the majesty of Mount Rainier, rejoicing over the birth of our first child, or simply savoring a good pale ale or single malt Scotch, a world-affirming Christianity does more justice to both the incarnation of Christ and the imago Dei [image of God] in man than does the world-avoidance of much of the American church. (128)Sometimes we Christians get so caught up in our heavenly hope and spiritual lives that we completely overlook the here and now: the actual place God has put us. We become so fearful of becoming worldly that we deny ourselves the joy from simple pleasures. Let’s not forget that the same God who created us also created the world he put us in—and said that it was good. By His common grace we can enjoy the blessings of this life, all the while affirming the Lord’s goodness. Sure, we look forward to a heavenly country (Hebrews 11:16), but I am also thankful for the home God has given me now. This is where He has me to serve, and I can glorify His name in thankful wonder of even the simple ordinary pleasures. We can get so caught up in trying to transcend above the ordinary, that we miss out on the ordinary means by which God has blessed us. While being carefully discerning in our conduct, we recognize that God places us in the responsible hard work of enjoying His blessings in service to Him, without raising the created over the Creator (1 Pet. 2:11-12, Rom. 1:25). Right now, I am thankful for my moment with a good book and a no-bake cookie! Praise God for chocolate, peanut butter and oatmeal!