Reading Reflection:
July 16, 2011
Girls Gone Wise, Mary Kassian ( Moody, 2010)
This summer I am doing a mother-daughter book club using this book. We are about to meet for our second study. One chapter is on the differing roles of men and women. This is an interesting subject to discuss with 11 and 12-year-olds. Kassian spends some time unpacking Genesis 2:18:
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”
She explains that being created for man doesn’t mean that man can just use women to please himself, but rather that Eve “was created because of him. His existence led to hers. It didn’t happen the other way around (129).” This insinuates differences in our roles. Kassian continues,
Being created for someone indicates that God created the female to be a highly relational creature. In contrast to the male, her identity isn’t based on work nearly as much as on how well she connects in her relationships. Woman is the relater-responder who is inclined toward connecting with others (130).What do you think about this explanation of the passage? How do you consider this amalgamates with what Paul says about wives reflecting the church, and our husband’s mirroring the love of Christ in Eph. 5:22-33?