My publisher, P&R, is running a series of author interviews on their blog. Yesterday was my turn. Here is a sample
- How do you deal with writer’s block?

“Oh, let’s see, I usually start with a snack and increase my coffee intake. If that doesn’t work, I pick up a jump rope or my nunchucks and try to get my blood flowing. I often drum up some good writing ideas when I’m rollerblading or working out. If I’ve still got nothing, I move on to calling a friend. A good conversation can usually get my brain moving well again. And, I find that if I am reading well, I frequently write better. But sometimes I just have to walk away and wait. It’s easy to distract myself by cruising the blogs, and social networks when I am unproductive, but I find that typically makes the problem worse. These times are frustrating, but I think that it serves me well to develop that hunger to write while simultaneously recognizing that it is all a gift that can be taken away. It makes me thankful when I get the flow back that God has allowed me this vocation. And yet, it puts things in perspective that I am to be a good steward of it and not place my worth and my value in the writing itself.”
Here's the
link to see more.