Our Living Resume*
August 29, 2012
Researchers recently created “Facebook scores”, which are modeled after credit scores. Except, instead of being rated on how likely you are to pay your bills, you’re rated on how good of an employee you’ll be. So, how exactly are Facebook scores calculated? Computer software scours every detail on your profile, from your friend list to your favorite TV shows. They you’re rated against top worker qualities - like conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness. The higher your score, the more likely you’ll be a superstar worker.I turns out that these ratings were right on when Facebook scores were compared to job evaluations. Interesting. And not only that, in the future our online reputations may even determine whether or not we can qualify for a loan. What kind of Facebook Score do you think you would receive? I don’t think that the bad church sign offenders really want to come off as cheesy or as totally missing the theological mark. But I have to admit that I’m keeping score. Maybe behavior will begin to change some on the internet when people learn that they are racking up a cyber-reputation that will affect their future goals. Who knows. But are we thinking about what our billboard messages are advertising about us now? Of course these are casual settings, so we can post about casual happenings. But if you were to look at all your posts together, what do they say about you? Why should we care about what others think of us? Well, the ability to land a job or a loan are valid reasons, but not the most important. Wherever I am, I’m not only representing myself. As a married woman, I also represent my husband. After all, I bear his name. What I post is not only a reflection of myself, but a reflection of us, the Byrds. This is another way that marriage symbolizes the union of Christ and his church. Since I am also part of the bride of Christ, I represent him as well. Those church signs are so offensive to me because they represent Christ’s church. But so do we—and we plaster signs all over the cyber-world. I pretty much know my husband well enough to represent him well in the decisions I make for our family and in my everyday interactions. Can we say the same about Christ? Do we know him well enough from what he has revealed in his Word to represent him truthfully as his bride? Would our Facebook Score be congruent with Christ’s character? *I borrowed the title from this link.