Housewife on the Move

Starting this Friday, things are going to look a little different here at Housewife Theologian. This house has been a lot for me to take care of by myself, especially since I really don't know a thing about technology.
Starting this Friday, things are going to look a little different here at Housewife Theologian. This house has been a lot for me to take care of by myself, especially since I really don't know a thing about technology. But I love the people in it (you readers) and I have really grown through this whole blogging experience. The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has invited me to keep my same house, but move it under their care (a great team of people who actually know what all the buttons are for and speak computer). This is a huge relief for me because as you can see, some of my windows are not doing so well. Along with that, we are adding another room---kind of like a bar. The website for The Mortification of Spin doesn't have very much going on right now, other than the weekly updates of our newest podcast and giveaways. Well, that is also going to get a makeover. Carl Trueman, Todd Pruitt, and I are going to each have a house (our own blog), but all of our articles are going to mingle at the bar (the new MoS site!). We are very excited about this renovation, and look forward to blogging more about the topics on the podcast, and having some casual conversations in the bar about things that count. So how do you get to my new house and our great new bar? No new directions, we will magically appear with the same addresses. You will still find me by my address, and our new bar will be at our usual One thing that I have appreciated so much about blogging is the insightful comments that my readers give. I will still have the door open for comments on Housewife Theologian. I am really hoping that we don't have anyone show up who had too much to drink at the bar and then needs to be escorted out of the comments section. I really want to keep this going. So I look forward to opening the doors at the new location this Friday. The guys are a little impatient. They somehow broke into the bar before it's opened and are lost without me.