Fashionable Preaching

Spinner Interview Fleetwood MacI know that I have a good number of wonderful pastors that actually stop by to read from a housewife theologian. The latest Mortification of Spin Podcast will be edifying to you, as well as to those of you who occupy the pews. Carl, Todd, and I actually took a little field trip before recording. You can see us in this shot taken, listening to a fashionable sermon together. We dressed for the occasion. Carl actually found himself some skinny jeans. Todd wore some special jewelry for this juncture. Take a listen here to our discussion on both the theological and practical side of preaching.
What's the purpose of a sermon? Is it to inspire the congregation or just a means of transmitting knowledge? Or is the sermon something greater? Dead bones came to life when Ezekiel preached. Are the sermons you listen to that powerful? Listen to Aimee, Carl and Todd discus once again discuss the sermon.