Do Not Neglect to Duguid

March 19, 2014
This week on Mortification of Spin, Todd, Carl, and I interview author and counselor, Barbara Duguid about her book, Extravagant Grace. Referring to the writings of John Newton, Barbara considers why God still would have us to struggle with sin after our salvation. The thing that I most appreciate about her book is Duguid's distinguishing between the works that we often identify as good (even if the heart isn't), verses the good that we do in Christ that doesn't always look like "sanctifying work" to an outsider. While we strive to fight sin and should always obey God’s Word, we need to be careful not to just settle for outward obedience, but address our unruly, wicked hearts in the process. You can listen to the interview here, and enter to win a copy of Barbara's book.
And on another note, I’ve recently noticed that it’s getting kind of creepy how much Carl and Todd have in common. Both of them are celebrating birthdays this month. I won’t mention their age, but will say that they were born in the same year as well. Not only that, they married their chivalrous and merciful wives in the same year. Add to that their balding, bitter qualities, along with their tired lack of vision and enthusiasm, and you’d think they might be brothers. But hey, I’m just fooling around. Maybe I shouldn’t get creeped out so easily. Here’s a picture of the two all decked out at their birthday celebration with Larry, the brother whom no one speaks of.