Christians Get Divorced Too

October 18, 2013

But if our greatest hurts are really the wounds left by life-saving surgeries intended by God to bring about something truly wonderful, we don’t have to clutch our pain so tightly. (23)The author gives a series of “movements,” or encouragements that helped him in the process of forgiveness and healing. These were familiar to me, because I had to go through many of the same realizations as a child of divorce. They were all good, but the one most difficult for me not only as a child of divorce, but in past offences that I’ve needed to forgive was, “Be wronged to the glory of God” (65). Greco boldly says, “Walking through pain is not about justice” (65). This is a hard truth, but it is truly liberating. When I realized this, things became beautiful for me again, especially my great Savior. Christians get divorced too. And it is horrible. Oftentimes friends, family, and church members don’t know how to help. Sometimes divorced Christians are treated like leprosy in biblical times. That’s why I really appreciate how Greco shows us how the gospel is applied in even this devastation. He shows that while God’s purpose in marriage is to make us more like his Son, God can also use our sin and our divorce to do the same. “God’s purposes are not thwarted just because my marriage ended, and they’re not thwarted because of any other hardship, heartache, or hang-up we may walk through” (77-78). The author proudly declares, “Who I am because of the gospel became the most precious thing in the world to me…This identity disarms every insecurity and doubt because it loudly declares the truth about who God is and what he has done for us” (79). This book will help those going though a divorce, as well as those who have never been able to move past the pain of their divorce. It will also be beneficial for friends to read, as they can learn a little about what they are going through and how to offer gospel encouragement. Now I am really sorry that there isn’t a book like this for children of divorce. The brief, well-organized format of Cruciform Press books would lend well to even young readers. There are some issues and stresses that a child of divorce goes through that are different from what the spouses endure. Broken vows hurt so much because we were created by a covenant-keeping God. It is in our DNA, per se, to operate under covenants. Thankfully, our great God keeps his promises. He is faithful and he is good. This we can cling to.