WTS on Scripture

November 5, 2009

In 2008 Westminster Seminary crafted an excellent statement of "Affirmations and Denials" regarding the Scriptures. I encourage you to take time to read it. Denominations, Presbyteries, and individual congregations would do well to consider adopting WTS's "Affirmations and Denials" for their own. The Rocky Mountain Presbytery (RMP) adopted the statement last month.
"It is a great encouragement to me to see that Westminster's lead on Scripture is being taken seriously by one of our major constituent denominations. The next decade will be a critical time for the Reformed world on this specific issue, and I hope that more presbyteries will heed Rev. Aquila's call for vigilance and vigour on this matter."
- Carl Trueman, Professor of Church History and Historical Theology
"It is a great encouragement to me to see that Westminster's lead on Scripture is being taken seriously by one of our major constituent denominations. The next decade will be a critical time for the Reformed world on this specific issue, and I hope that more presbyteries will heed Rev. Aquila's call for vigilance and vigour on this matter."
- Carl Trueman, Professor of Church History and Historical Theology