What is it with politicians and adultery? Or, Don't Cry for me Argentina

Mark Sanford the Governor of South Carolina admitted today in a press conference that his recent camping trip in the Appalachians was actually an adulterous romp in Buenos Aires. I confess my cynicism regarding politicians flares up in moments like this. After all it seems that a disproportionate number of pols have, shall we say, "unconventional marriages."

What struck me as I was watching Governor Sanford's pathetic confession was just how powerful a sin is lust. Lust has led people to do extraordinarily self-destructive things. It has caused men and women to risk their families, their reputations, their careers, their savings, and even their lives.

Despite his deplorable behavior the Governor claims to be a Christian. Adultery is not unknown among Christians. Indeed the history of God's people includes some well known individuals whose lives were marked by saintliness and scandal. Christians should pray for the Sanford's. He has a wife and four sons. Hopefully their church will shepherd them through these difficult days.

One other thought before I heap too much disdain on Governor Sanford. I must take a moment to ponder the condition of my own heart. The very sin that drove him to wound his wife and sons, humiliate himself and his friends, and risk his career lurks within my heart and the only hope I have is the grace of my Redeemer.