Together For The Gospel

I was blessed to attend Together For The Gospel once again (Thank you Church of the Saviour!). The content was outstanding. Check out the messages HERE. All of them are well worth hearing. I was particularly helped by those messages from Ligon Duncan, Mark Dever, Kevin DeYoung, and David Platt.

I also appreciated the connections with old and new friends. I was particularly moved to fellowship with men, now serving in pastoral ministry, whom I once served as youth pastor. How kind God has been.

One interesting side note was Carl Trueman's participation in T4G. I say "interesting" because of Carl's suspicion of large conferences and his thoughts on the celebrity pastor culture within evangelicalism. His concerns, I believe, are for the most part valid. But T4G is not your average conference and the men who preach are not your average celebrity pastors. It seems that Carl found this to be true. He wrote
a characteristically funny but warm post on his experience at T4G with which I fully agree (Carl makes reference to yours truly under what seems to be my new nickname. I will leave it to you to guess.). Incidentally, Carl's breakout session on the continuing relevance of the Reformation was outstanding and should soon be posted on the T4G site.