The Lion Still Roars...

Today is B.B. Warfield's birthday. Warfield, known as "the Lion of Princeton" represented the best of robust, reformed theological thinking.

Thanks to Justin Taylor for asking Fred Zaspel to write
an essay in honor of Warfield.

"...Warfield’s heart beat hot for Christ. His passion for Christ and the gospel pulses prominently throughout the many thousands of pages of his works. He adored the Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnate Redeemer, and he loved to say so. And he loved to speak of our utter, helpless need of such a Savior from heaven. He was a “polemic” theologian, yes. And his polemics were powerful, supremely informed, insightful, and unrelenting, devouring the enemies of truth on all fronts. But it was a polemic driven by a deep heart of love for and loyalty to Christ. He was in fact the ideal of Old Princeton—the highest and best of informed scholarship matched by a humble piety and fervent love for Christ."

- Fred Zaspel