The Great Work of the Gospel
September 10, 2007
As a part of the new sermon series, The Gospel-Driven Church, and in harmony with the report from the Strategic Ministry Planning Team we will be reading John Ensor’s book “The Great Work of the Gospel.” I am happy that so many of you who are a part of the Metro East family will be participating in this important time in our church’s life. I know of no other book that feeds my mind and heart so well concerning the nature of the Gospel. Ensor writes beautifully about forgiveness – why forgiveness is needed and what was required for sinners to be forgiven by a holy God. Ensor rightly demonstrates the shallowness of popular sentimental notions of God’s love and holds high the robust, biblical theology of Christ’s cross work. While the sentimental stuff is indeed sweet it ultimately leaves us spiritually emaciated. Only a deep understanding of why the cross was necessary and what exactly was accomplished on that dark but Good Friday will offer to us the lasting hope and security that our souls crave.
Read a chapter of Ensor’s book each week in addition to your regular intake of God’s Word. Along the way I will be posting thoughts on the readings that I hope will be an encouragement to you.