One year on...

November 6, 2009

So, I moved to Pennsylvania with my family exactly one year ago yesterday to be the Lead Pastor/Teacher of Church of the Saviour. It so happens that this week has been very long and very taxing so I have not had nearly enough time to reflect on the last year. However, as I sit here to finally give it a few moments thought there are some things that come to mind.
1) It was very hard to leave a church I and my family loved.
2) I have spent a lot of time thinking about what I did not do well during my nine years in Wichita.
3) It was fun to drive across the country with my boys.
4) It's not easy to transport two cats and a dog from Kansas to Pennsylvania.
5) We were blown away by the generosity of a family from another church who provided a home for us rent free while we looked for a permanent home. Amazing!
6) We were blessed by the welcome we received from COS. When we arrived at our "loaner house" it had stacks of gift cards, cleaning supplies, and kind messages.
7) Cheese Steaks!
8) God provided the perfect house for us in West Chester.
9) Lots of dinner invitations!
10) Did I mention the cheese steaks?
11) Major league sports.
12) The beach. Sorry. The Shore!
13) An Executive Pastor!!
14) God has surrounded me with kind and supportive elders. Major blessing.
15) I have a ministry assistant who helps minimize some of my incompetence.
16) A fresh awareness of my own sin and frailties.
17) A fresh awareness of my need for grace.
18) We have good friends who bless us richly.
19) I love that my wife loves it here.
20) Cheese Steaks!