"My name is Todd and Arminians have been mean to me."

I'm thinking about starting a support group for Calvinists who have been mistreated by Arminians, Mennonites, Amish, Mormons, Hindus, stamp collectors, and resideJob suffering.jpgnts of New Jersey.

More seriously, I do wonder what is behind the "Calvinists are meanies" posts to which we are treated routinely. Don't misunderstand, I know there are prickly Calvinists. But I don't buy the hype. I suppose we could trade anecdotes. For example I could write posts about the fact that the meanest and most self-righteous people I have ever encountered are Arminians. But what would that accomplish? Honestly, some of these posts sound a bit like, "I thank you Lord that I am not like this mean Calvinist." What is more, until prominent Arminian theologians stop publicly comparing "the god of Calvinism" with Satan, then the reports of mean Calvinists are going to ring a bit hollow.

Certainly I am not the only one concerned by these conversations. Have we become this soft? I am trying to imagine previous generations of Christians complaining about their feelings being hurt. I am not trying to be glib, nor am I seeking to mock anyone. But I am genuinely concerned about the softening of our spines.

I suppose we can ask Calvinists to be less confident in their doctrine or that they take a softer stand on Joel Osteen and substitutionary atonement. But then we would be robbing Calvinists of some of the fun in being a Calvinist. And who wants to be around an unhappy Calvinist?

How about we do this: The next time a Calvinist acts like a horses rear end, forgive him. If he persists then confront him in a spirit of gentleness and continue to forgive him since the Lord has forgiven you so extravagantly. And I promise to do the same the next time I encounter a particularly nasty Arminian or stamp collector.