Mortification of Spin

July 10, 2014
The latest Mortification of Spin is up and running. On this edition we interview Trillia Newbell on the blessings and challenges of racial diversity within the church. We know that God is saving for himself a people from every nation, tribe, and tongue. However, achieving a glimpse of that reality this side of Heaven is easier said that done.
Quilting needles in hand (just listen, you'll get it), the Spin Team get to a controversial topic once again - this time discussing racial diversity with author Trillia Newbell. Trillia's perspective is a unique and helpful one, as she gets into issues not yet talked about on Mortification of Spin. Especially as Christians, we need to remember to treat other humans beings, created in the image of God, as brothers and sisters. What are practical steps that we can take to help create racially diverse churches? Can Aimee really quilt with nunchuck needles? What will Mrs. Trueman think of Carl's "feminine side?"