Live from the Gospel Coalition

April 22, 2009

Tim Keller's opening session was quite good. His text was Acts 19:23ff. Keller is particularly good at teasing out the contemporary implications of the biblical text. In this particular passage he pays careful attention to Paul's interaction with the idols in Ephesus. From there Keller challenged us to deal with the idols of our time and cultural milieu. Keller maintains that one of the reasons why there is so little difference between the way believers and unbelievers actually live is that we have not properly dealt with our idols so when people are converted they have not been taught to walk away from what they formerly were.
The three points of application were: 1) Discerning Idols, 2) Exposing Idols, 3) Destroying Idols. It was a very helpful message.
The theme for the conference centers on the themes found in 2 Timothy. It is a book that particularly challenging to those engaged actively in ministry.
John Piper preached from 2 Timothy 1:1-12. It's daunting task to preach on a text that could easily be made into four sermons. Anyway Piper was his usual engaging self. His main point was also classic Piper: "Timothy, keep on feeding the white hot flame of God's gift in you namely the unashamed courage to speak openly of the Gospel and suffer for it."
Phil Ryken preached at the 7:00 pm session. His text was 2 Timothy 1:13-2:13. Now, I really would not want to take a text that long and rich and preach one sermon from it. But Dr. Ryken was characteristically brilliant in his dealing with the text. I was simultaneously sobered and encouraged by his message. His closing reflections on Paul's words in 2:11-13 was worth the price of admission.
I did not stay for Mark Driscoll's message. I will watch it later.
You can access the messages HERE.