Islam's Trojan Horse

In an article for World Magazine Cal Thomas comments on the continued naive attempts by American politicians to offer olive branches to radical islamists.

He writes:

"In an exquisite example of self-delusion, nine “alumni” of a Saudi rehabilitation program that is supposed to change the minds of “ex-jihadists” have been arrested for rejoining terrorist groups. The idea of Saudi re-education camps for “ex-jihadists” is something like expecting the Ku Klux Klan to change the minds of white supremacists. Saudi Arabia fuels jihadism by exporting the most radical brand of Islam, Wahabism. Why would Westerners believe that a country responsible for radicalizing increasing numbers of Muslims could suddenly reverse itself and start teaching the opposite? A Saudi kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.

"Instead of listening to the sound of our own voices, we should be listening more to the sound of their voices, like that of deputy emir of al-Qaida and former Guantanamo prisoner Abu Sufyan Al-Azdi Sa’id Al-Shihri, who can be seen in a video ( promising to continue jihad until “we set up an Islamic state and establish a caliphate.” In another video, the emir of al-Qaida, Abu Basir Nasir al-Wahishi, says, “We must cut off the aid to the Zionist crusader military campaign and kill every crusader in our lands"...

"In the forthcoming book Al-Hijra: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration: Accepting Freedom or Imposing Islam? (Pilcrow Press), written by two former Muslims, Sam Solomon and Elias Al Maqdisi, “The Hijra was enshrined by Muhammad from the outset within Islam as the ‘Doctrine of Immigration,’ or the ‘peaceful’ means of extending the Islamic political state garbed and girded in religious terminology. Hijra and military conquest are two components of Islamic expansion.” The cover art is of a Trojan horse."

Read the entire article HERE.