Insider Movement(s) and the PCA

June 9, 2014
The title of this post may be a bit misleading because I have no intention of trying to address this very
dense and conflict-laden subject.
In a week I will be attending my first General Assembly as an ordained teaching elder in the PCA. I am looking forward to it. There will no doubt be some wonderful fellowship and preaching. However, it is also true that the PCA is facing some challenging waters. That is, there are some issues that are currently a source of division within the PCA: theistic evolution, the nature of sanctification, the role of the GA to in settling disputes, and so-called Insider Movements. The later has to do with how we will reach Muslims (and adherents of other religions) for Christ.
There is an article over at Ref21 by William Schweitzer entitled "Is The Insider Movement Really That Bad?" In it, Dr. Schweitzer expresses grave concern over the very influential book by Carl Medearis, Muslims, Christians, and Jesus: Gaining Understanding and Building Relationships.
dense and conflict-laden subject.
In a week I will be attending my first General Assembly as an ordained teaching elder in the PCA. I am looking forward to it. There will no doubt be some wonderful fellowship and preaching. However, it is also true that the PCA is facing some challenging waters. That is, there are some issues that are currently a source of division within the PCA: theistic evolution, the nature of sanctification, the role of the GA to in settling disputes, and so-called Insider Movements. The later has to do with how we will reach Muslims (and adherents of other religions) for Christ.
There is an article over at Ref21 by William Schweitzer entitled "Is The Insider Movement Really That Bad?" In it, Dr. Schweitzer expresses grave concern over the very influential book by Carl Medearis, Muslims, Christians, and Jesus: Gaining Understanding and Building Relationships.
The book is full of vignettes relating the author's amazing adventures witnessing to Muslims during his tenure in the Middle East. Given the large number of these stories, I was expecting at least some of them to end with the Christian missionary being shouted down if not arrested (after all, such things happen to missionaries working in England). Strangely, none of them do. Not one of his stories-- including the meeting with what Medearis calls the 'cousins' of the Taliban--give the slightest hint of persecution or even mild opposition. The question is, why?Read the entire article HERE.