Greg Beale at WTS

May 1, 2009
Today I attended a lecture by Greg Beale at Westminster Seminary. His subject was the inerrancy of Scripture. Specifically Dr. Beale effectively demonstrated the Scripture's self attestation to its inerrancy in John's Apocalypse.
Inerrancy has been a very hot topic at WTS the last few years. Scripture's inerrancy has been the historic position of Westminster. However there have been several men on the faculty who have not held the traditional position of inerrancy advanced in the Westmister standards. This caused a great deal of disruption which came to a head with the publication of Pete Enns' book "Inspiration and Incarnation."
Dr. Beale is one of the most formidable New Testament scholars in the country. He is also commited to the inerrancy of Scripture. Currently he serves as Professor of New Testament and Chair of Biblical Studies at Wheaton. Westminster is interviewing Dr. Beale regarding the possibility of bringing him on board as Professor of New Testament. This would be a huge step in rebuilding the Bible department at WTS.
Books by Greg Beale:
The Erosion of Inerrancy
We Become What We Worship
The Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament
The Right Doctrine from the Wrong Text
The Temple and the Church's Mission
1 & 2 Thessalonians
* This post has been edited. The earlier version of this post reported on some disrespectful behavior I witnessed during Dr. Beale's lecture. Although the behavior was public and I did not report the names of the individuals I felt just enough discomfort that I decided to remove that part of the post until I have opportunity to speak directly to the individuals involved.
Inerrancy has been a very hot topic at WTS the last few years. Scripture's inerrancy has been the historic position of Westminster. However there have been several men on the faculty who have not held the traditional position of inerrancy advanced in the Westmister standards. This caused a great deal of disruption which came to a head with the publication of Pete Enns' book "Inspiration and Incarnation."
Dr. Beale is one of the most formidable New Testament scholars in the country. He is also commited to the inerrancy of Scripture. Currently he serves as Professor of New Testament and Chair of Biblical Studies at Wheaton. Westminster is interviewing Dr. Beale regarding the possibility of bringing him on board as Professor of New Testament. This would be a huge step in rebuilding the Bible department at WTS.
Books by Greg Beale:
The Erosion of Inerrancy
We Become What We Worship
The Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament
The Right Doctrine from the Wrong Text
The Temple and the Church's Mission
1 & 2 Thessalonians
* This post has been edited. The earlier version of this post reported on some disrespectful behavior I witnessed during Dr. Beale's lecture. Although the behavior was public and I did not report the names of the individuals I felt just enough discomfort that I decided to remove that part of the post until I have opportunity to speak directly to the individuals involved.