Good Coffee

August 23, 2007
Those of you who know me know of my loyalty to St. Arbucks. I love their strong coffee. I also make a habit of doing much of my sermon preparation at Starbucks. One of the great advantages of this practice is that I am able to meet people who are not a part of the Metro East fellowship. On blessed occasions I even get to meet people who don’t know Jesus. I remember sitting next to a table of teenagers who did not seem to know anything substantive about Jesus. However, their conversation was largely theological. They saw that I was studying my Bible and invited me into the conversation. It was clear that they did not understand the Gospel which gave me an opportunity to speak the truth about a salvation that was revealed in Jesus Christ and was had entirely by God’s grace. Another time I was reading The Atonement by the great Christian scholar Leon Morris. A lady at a nearby table asked me what “atonement” meant.
I have recently discovered a newer coffee joint in Wichita. It’s called Dunn Brothers Coffee. It’s a great place to hang out, study, and meet people who more than likely do not attend the local Southern Baptist Church. It’s large and provides cushy club chairs and tables. And, like Starbucks, their coffee is not for wimps. You’ll have to shave your tongue in the morning.
Anyway, Dunn Bros. is located in Old Town at the corner of 2nd Street and Rock Island road next to the new Marriot. Bring your Bible and keep your eyes open. Maybe I will bump into you there. Even better, maybe you’ll cross paths with someone who needs to the know the hope you have.
By the way, I am not receiving any royalties from either Starbucks or Dunn Bros. but perhaps that could be investigated.
I have recently discovered a newer coffee joint in Wichita. It’s called Dunn Brothers Coffee. It’s a great place to hang out, study, and meet people who more than likely do not attend the local Southern Baptist Church. It’s large and provides cushy club chairs and tables. And, like Starbucks, their coffee is not for wimps. You’ll have to shave your tongue in the morning.
Anyway, Dunn Bros. is located in Old Town at the corner of 2nd Street and Rock Island road next to the new Marriot. Bring your Bible and keep your eyes open. Maybe I will bump into you there. Even better, maybe you’ll cross paths with someone who needs to the know the hope you have.
By the way, I am not receiving any royalties from either Starbucks or Dunn Bros. but perhaps that could be investigated.