Can We Trust the Bible?

November 30, 2009

On June 20, 2009 an important conference was held held at Westminster Chapel in London. The name of the event was "The Bible and Church Conference" and was sponsored by Tyndale House. The purpose of the conference was to argue for the trustworthiness of the Bible as God's Word.
Society is being bombarded with misinformration about the Bible. It has allegedly been corrupted by power-hungry Christians who are charged with having omitted books and material they did not like. They changed the original message of Jesus.The conference presenters were Dr. Peter (P.J.) Williams (Warden of Tyndale House and former Senior Lecturer in New Testament and Deputy-Head of Aberdeen University's School of Divinity, History and Philosophy), Dr. Dirk Jongkind (Research Fellow at Tyndale House and Laing Fellow at St. Edmund's College, Cambridge) and Dr. Simon Gathercole (author, editor and lecturer in New Testament at Cambridge University and Fellow of Fitzwilliam College).
When these wide-spread claims are made in the media, many Christians don't know how to respond or defend the trustworthiness of the New Testament that they believe in. Some end up having their faith shaken as a result.
The Bible and Church Conference was organized to provide Christians with reliable scholarly evidence in support of the historical basis of the faith and to then equip them to share that faith with confidence. It brought together biblical scholars who successfully challenged the false claims made by critics about the scriptures and who brought evidence to the table to show how and why the New Testiment can indeed be trusted.