Books Worth Giving this Christmas...

Knowing God by J.I. Packer
What else can be said about Knowing God that has not already been said? It is number one on my list of books I wish every church member would read. Of the books written over the last 100 years none have had such a profound impact on my understanding of and desire to know God than Dr. Packer's classic.

The Cross of Christ by John Stott
"There are not many 'must read' books—books that belong on every minister's shelf, and on the shelves of thoughtful laypersons who want a better grasp of what is central in Scripture—but this is one of them." - D.A. Carson

A Heart for God by Sinclair Ferguson
This little volume on the character of God is one I would like to get into the hands of every believer. In his typically warm style Ferguson offers a passionate portrayal of God's holiness, his tender care, and his faithful love. Highly recommended.

The Great Work of the Gospel by John Ensor
The Great Work of the Gospel begins with the bad news of human sin and corruption. John Ensor does not skip over or sugar coat the depravity of the unregenerate heart. But this is precisely why the Gospel of God's grace in Jesus Christ shines so brightly in this beautiful book. This is not a book I read once and then put away. My copy is dog eared and beaten up from being turned to so often. Ensor helps us rejoice in the forgiveness purchased for us by our Savior.

A Praying Life by Paul Miller
"This is as fine a book on prayer that you will ever read, but it is so much more. It is the story of our struggle to actually live like we believe that our Heavenly father really does love us. If we did, nothing could keep us from being committed to the day by day hard work of prayer. Paul exegetes our struggle in a way that is convicting, insight giving and encouraging. This is a book on prayer that actually makes you want to pray!" - Paul Tripp

A Body of Divinity by Thomas Watson
Thomas Watson's masterful commentary on the Shorter Catechism is a model of theology that is at once devotional and doxological. A Body of Divinity is my favorite of all the Puritan classics. It has been and continues to be a regular presence in my practice of devotions.