Basics Conference (2)

The opening day of Basics has been terrific. One of the things I love about this conference is that it is not overwhelmingly large. It usually runs about 600 pastors. I don't have to navigate a downtown maze or pay for parking. It's not held in a large convention center but in a church. It is truly a time to refresh. This year is a bit different because there are 1,500 pastors present. That's what happens when John Piper is one of the speakers.

Piper's first session was excellent. More on that later.

The keynote speaker is a man named John Lennox. I have never heard of Lennox before. He is a brillant appologist. He teaches mathematics at the University of Oxford and is a Fellow in Mathematics and the Philosophy of Science at Green College. He lectures around the world. He is particularly interested in the intersection of science, philosophy, and theology. His opening address was warm and pastoral. Although a respected intellectual Dr. Lennox communicates humbly and passionately. He has held public debates with Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens. The DVD's of those debates (4 in all) are available for purchase.

Check out these resources from John Lennox:
God's Undertaker
Christianity: Opium or Truth?
Debates with Hitchens & Dawkins